Purchase a TOMOGRAPHY implant
EFESTO S.r.l. has supplied a new X-ray implant with the addition of an innovative technology: TOMOGRAPHY. Implant realized by Gilardoni, factory leader in his sector.
The name of the model is SCOPIX CT HP7.
The HP7 fluoroscopy cabinet is the largest of its range and is designed for inspections of different types of components of large dimensions. The movement system employs a manipulator with seven independent axes and a sophisticated software system which aligns the x-ray tube and the detector (IB and flat panel) without a mechanical arm (C-arm).
In automatic mode the axes tilt according to the position and perspective requested by operator. This is ideal for inspections of components of large dimensions and weight.
This unit includes a control panel, real time monitor for image viewing, x-ray controller and, in the automatic version, a computer to manage the manipulator.
The M&V 8 system can program the sequence of positions and exams with a simple self-teaching procedure and powerful, user-friendly software.
Maximum productivity and testing repetition is guaranteed by the axes management system. The M&V 8 system allows the operator to store customized inspections programs based on self-learning of sequences of inspection positions with the relative values of the optimal x-ray parameters. The system is supported by a digital imaging video processor for higher quality and a more powerful information level.